Is it suitable to use $httpBackend in production to abstract data service requests?


  •  13-10-2022
  •  | 


I have a data service in my application that is responsible for retrieving information for my controllers. This information might come from local storage, window or an ajax request. The problem I am facing is the $q promise responses don't look like $http responses.

    this.getContactDetails = function(data) {
        // The first time this method is called, we expect contact details to be preloaded on the page.
        // We want to read and return that object then remove it from the page so subsequent requests are to the server.
        if(typeof $ !== 'undefined') {
            var contactDetails = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify($;
            delete $;
            // Since the method call should always have the same return type, we manually create a deferred object and set the resolution using the $q service.
            var deferred = $q.defer();
            return deferred.promise;
        var request = requests.contactDetails.get;
        return $http(request);

The $q service does a nice job here but it resolves as the object it was given. I wouldn't really expect it to wrap the response. I know $httpBackend could accomplish this.


But the service is used in the MockE2E library and I doubt this was its intended use. I am not sure how to call this off afterwards or what would happen if I used it twice on the same request but I can figure out these questions. My other concern is that there doesn't seem to be a way to pass the same config object to $httpBackend as I do to $http. $httpBackend only accepts a method, url, body and headers, while $http config allows me to specify parameters.

Currently my work-around is simply to create and $http-like wrapper myself.

var contactDetails = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify({
    data: $

But I don't find this very elegant. Is there a better/correct way to do this?

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You can implement your storage layer as a $cacheFactory and add it to $httpProvider during the configuration phase.

From the docs:

When the cache is enabled, $http stores the response from the server in the specified cache. The next time the same request is made, the response is served from the cache without sending a request to the server.

Hence, if you provide your own implementation of a cache with the following methods:

  • {object} info() — Returns id, size, and options of cache.
  • {{*}} put({string} key, {*} value) — Puts a new key-value pair into the cache and returns it.
  • {{*}} get({string} key) — Returns cached value for key or undefined for cache miss.
  • {void} remove({string} key) — Removes a key-value pair from the cache.
  • {void} removeAll() — Removes all cached values.
  • {void} destroy() — Removes references to this cache from $cacheFactory.

You can return values read from localStorage, session cookies, etc. and they will be treated as there were data sent from the server, just without the AJAX request.

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