
I'll be creating an Android Application that determines the freshness of meat using it's RGB. The flow of the application would be:

  1. Capture an image
  2. Determine the freshness by clicking one button
  3. Displaying the result based from it's RGB.

I have a problem in the RGB part. Hope somebody can help me with this matter.

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If you are using Processing this could be useful.

Use Processing to scan an image pixel by pixel, so they could be compare to find pattern's in the image.

PImage sample;

void setup() {
  sample = loadImage("sample.jpg");


void draw() {    
  //Loop to scan the image pixel by pixel
  for (int x=0; x < sample.width; x++){
    for (int y=0; y < sample.height; y++){

      int location = x + (y * sample.width);
      // Whit the location you can get the current color
      color currentColor = sample.pixels[loc];
      //Do something

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