
How can I see a movie from one of several streaming sites? I would like use mplayer, given a certain url.

For instance:

mplayer -url http://address
도움이 되었습니까?


Well, I have the same problem, and I solved the problem in this way:

  • open link in Chrome;
  • press F12 to open console and go to the Network tab;
  • before pressing "Play" clear history console, then press "Play";
  • you will see some element in Network list, so order by "Type" and search for an alement of "application/octet-stream" type: right-click on this element and select "Copy as cURL": the bulk of the work has been done!
  • close Chrome and open a console:
  • paste cURL and put the stream in a new file, like in this way:

    curl ..... > movie

  • now, in another tab, you can view your movie with mplayer, simply in this way:

    mplayer -fs movie -idx


-fs put your video in fullscreen
-idx "Rebuilds index of files if no index was found, allowing seeking. Useful with broken/incomplete downloads, or badly created files."

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