
A Xbee Series 2 in Router AT configuration with a potentiometer wiper output connected to XBee's pin 20 AD0 is supposed to send the analog data every 100 ms. It was set with ATD02 and ATIR64.

A Xbee Series 2 in Coordinator API config is connected to the computer.

Using XCTU terminal, we can see that the Coordinator is constantly receiving Explicit RX Indicator frames from the Router. However there are no frames containing the analog data read by AD0 on the Router XBee.

enter image description here

enter image description here

Using Python with the XBee module, we also notice the same thing, just rx_explicit frames being received and nothing containing the analog data samples!

{'profile': '\xc1\x05', 'source_addr': '6T', 'dest_endpoint': '\xe8', 'rf_data': '\x01\x00\x00\x01\x02(', 'source_endpoint': '\xe8', 'options': '\x01', 'source_addr_long': '\x00\x13\xa2\x00@\xb1\x92\x13', 'cluster': '\x00\x92', 'id': 'rx_explicit'}

{'profile': '\xc1\x05', 'source_addr': '6T', 'dest_endpoint': '\xe8', 'rf_data': '\x01\x00\x00\x01\x02I', 'source_endpoint': '\xe8', 'options': '\x01', 'source_addr_long': '\x00\x13\xa2\x00@\xb1\x92\x13', 'cluster': '\x00\x92', 'id': 'rx_explicit'}

{'profile': '\xc1\x05', 'source_addr': '6T', 'dest_endpoint': '\xe8', 'rf_data': '\x01\x00\x00\x01\x01\xeb', 'source_endpoint': '\xe8', 'options': '\x01', 'source_addr_long': '\x00\x13\xa2\x00@\xb1\x92\x13', 'cluster': '\x00\x92', 'id': 'rx_explicit'}

{'profile': '\xc1\x05', 'source_addr': '6T', 'dest_endpoint': '\xe8', 'rf_data': '\x01\x00\x00\x01\x01\xce', 'source_endpoint': '\xe8', 'options': '\x01', 'source_addr_long': '\x00\x13\xa2\x00@\xb1\x92\x13', 'cluster': '\x00\x92', 'id': 'rx_explicit'}

What do you think may have happened? I checked the value at AD0 by reading it with an Arduino and indeed there is a value to be read.

도움이 되었습니까?


What frame type were you expecting? The rx_explicit frames will have your I/O data. You might need to change the ATAO (API Options) setting to control whether frames come in as RX Explicit or some other frame type.

Provide a hex dump of the payload on the frames you're receiving, and we can probably figure out the format of the data. I imagine it will look like the format of an ATIS response.

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