
My project is coming along nicely thanks in part to all of your help! I have come across another bump in the road. I need to enable (up to 8) buttons based on whether or not a cell in a sql db has a 'y', 'n' or is null. I can get it to work for one button, but not 2 or more. Before I show you my code, let me give a bit more detail: My database stores info about students and grades (an numerous other things, but they don't pertain to this question). Each student must complete all eight(8) classes to graduate. In the db, I have columns labeled for each of the eight classes. If they took the class, it's a 'y' in the row. If they failed the class, it's a 'n'. If they haven't taken it yet or it's in progress, the cell has null when I view it in sql server management studio because they neither completed it nor failed it, so no data is entered yet.

I have eight(8) buttons with labels for each class. When a studentId is entered by the user and the db searched, I want the buttons enabled based on the database values. I got one to work, but that's it and I can't figure out why. Would greatly appreciate someone pointing out what is wrong in my code and point me in the correct direction.

        Using connection As New SqlConnection("Data Source=?;Initial Catalog=?;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=?;Password=?")
            Dim dt As New DataTable
            Dim ds As New DataSet
            Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter
            da = New SqlDataAdapter("select g1, g2, af1, af2, af3, pp1, pp2, pp3 from student_info where studentId = '" & stunumtxtbox.Text & "'", connection)
            Dim count = da.Fill(dt)
            If count = 1 Then
                G1Button.Enabled = True
            End If
            If count = 2 Then
                G2Button.Enabled = True
            End If
            If count = 3 Then
                AF1Button.Enabled = True
            End If
            If count = 4 Then
                AF2Button.Enabled = True
            End If
            If count = 5 Then
                AF3Button.Enabled = True
            End If
            If count = 6 Then
                PP1Button.Enabled = True
            End If
            If count = 7 Then
                PP2Button.Enabled = True
            End If
            If count = 8 Then
                PP3Button.Enabled = True
            End If
        End Using
    Catch se As SqlException
    End Try

Thank you in advance!

도움이 되었습니까?


You can use LINQ to achieve this. The following code will enable the button if the table contains a row where the specified field/column has the value y or n. If not, the button is disabled.

Dim g1 As List(Of String) = (From r As DataRow In dt Where r.Field(Of String)("g1") = "y" Or r.Field(Of String)("g1") = "n" Select r.Field(Of String)("g1")).ToList()
Dim g2 As List(Of String) = (From r As DataRow In dt Where r.Field(Of String)("g2") = "y" Or r.Field(Of String)("g2") = "n" Select r.Field(Of String)("g2")).ToList()
Dim af1 As List(Of String) = (From r As DataRow In dt Where r.Field(Of String)("af1") = "y" Or r.Field(Of String)("af1") = "n" Select r.Field(Of String)("af1")).ToList()
Dim af2 As List(Of String) = (From r As DataRow In dt Where r.Field(Of String)("af2") = "y" Or r.Field(Of String)("af2") = "n" Select r.Field(Of String)("af2")).ToList()
Dim af3 As List(Of String) = (From r As DataRow In dt Where r.Field(Of String)("af3") = "y" Or r.Field(Of String)("af3") = "n" Select r.Field(Of String)("af3")).ToList()
Dim pp1 As List(Of String) = (From r As DataRow In dt Where r.Field(Of String)("pp1") = "y" Or r.Field(Of String)("pp1") = "n" Select r.Field(Of String)("pp1")).ToList()
Dim pp2 As List(Of String) = (From r As DataRow In dt Where r.Field(Of String)("pp2") = "y" Or r.Field(Of String)("pp2") = "n" Select r.Field(Of String)("pp2")).ToList()
Dim pp3 As List(Of String) = (From r As DataRow In dt Where r.Field(Of String)("pp3") = "y" Or r.Field(Of String)("pp3") = "n" Select r.Field(Of String)("pp3")).ToList()

Me.G1Button.BackColor = If(g1.Contains("y"), Color.Green, If(g1.Contains("n"), Color.Red, SystemColors.Control))
Me.G1Button.Enabled = (g1.Count > 0)

Me.G2Button.BackColor = If(g2.Contains("y"), Color.Green, If(g2.Contains("n"), Color.Red, SystemColors.Control))
Me.G2Button.Enabled = (g2.Count > 0)

Me.AF1Button.BackColor = If(af1.Contains("y"), Color.Green, If(af1.Contains("n"), Color.Red, SystemColors.Control))
Me.AF1Button.Enabled = (af1.Count > 0)

Me.AF2Button.BackColor = If(af2.Contains("y"), Color.Green, If(af2.Contains("n"), Color.Red, SystemColors.Control))
Me.AF2Button.Enabled = (af2.Count > 0)

Me.AF3Button.BackColor = If(af3.Contains("y"), Color.Green, If(af3.Contains("n"), Color.Red, SystemColors.Control))
Me.AF3Button.Enabled = (af3.Count > 0)

Me.PP1Button.BackColor = If(pp1.Contains("y"), Color.Green, If(pp1.Contains("n"), Color.Red, SystemColors.Control))
Me.PP1Button.Enabled = (pp1.Count > 0)

Me.PP2Button.BackColor = If(pp2.Contains("y"), Color.Green, If(pp2.Contains("n"), Color.Red, SystemColors.Control))
Me.PP2Button.Enabled = (pp2.Count > 0)

Me.PP3Button.BackColor = If(pp3.Contains("y"), Color.Green, If(pp3.Contains("n"), Color.Red, SystemColors.Control))
Me.PP3Button.Enabled = (pp3.Count > 0)
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