
I am creating a program which can manage project schedule using iCalendar. I need to be able to save all the information used in creating a VEvent in some type of data holder and then output it in a file, which after can be loaded and data might be edited or more data added. I think JTable is kind of suitable for my needs, one row will represent one VEvent and columns will have different information. But if anyone has a better suggestion, I want to hear it.

My question is, what is the best data holder for this type of information and how to save that data to a file and load it afterwards.

도움이 되었습니까?


You can for sure use the iCalendar file format as defined in RFC5545 and only have one VEVENT in your calendar and have a file per event but you could equally store them in a database and leverage this SOical-field-list-for-database-schema-based-on-ical-standard

다른 팁

VEvent seems like a good idea since it´s easy to export to this format for your custumers.

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