
I'm using this http://blog.carte-libre.fr/index.php?post/2012/02/12/Serve-all-MBTtile-features-with-PHP-script to create a web map with mbtiles hosted on my server.

I want to create selectable layers using several mbtiles (mb1, mb2, mb3) which are stored on different servers (serv1, serv2, serv3).

The script is

    function(tilejson) {

        var omq = new L.TileLayer(
            'http://otile2.mqcdn.com/tiles/1.0.0/osm/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
                maxZoom: 14,
                attribution: 'OpenStreetMap - MapQuest',
                opacity: 0.4,
        });//modify to call mb2 from serv3

        var power = new L.TileLayer(
            "mbtiles-server.php?db=mb1.mbtiles&z={z}&x={x}&y={y}", {
                maxZoom: 14,
                attribution: 'OpenStreetMap - CL 2012-02-05',

        var map = new L.Map('map', {
            center: new L.LatLng(46, 0),
            zoom: 6,
            layers: [omq, power]

        map.addControl( new L.Control.Layers( { "OpenMapQuest": omq }, { "Power": power }));

        wax.leaf.interaction(map, tilejson);
        document.getElementById("legend").innerHTML = tilejson.legend;

Assuming there is a php script file in each mbtiles folder, how can I modify the script to be able to call mb2 from serv3 so that i have 2 layers from 2 mbtiles hosted on 2 servers?

any advice would be welcomed!

도움이 되었습니까?


An update...

The issue was trying to load several mbtiles while having respective popup interactions for each layer (each mbtile included interaction, created in TileMill).

I opted to load the mbtiles to the map using:

var base1 = L.tileLayer("http://ms1.mysite.com/folder1/mbtiles-server.php?db=base1layer.mbtiles&z={z}&x={x}&y={y}.png"
var base2 = L.tileLayer("http://ms2.mysite.com/folder2/mbtiles-server.php?db=base2layer.mbtiles&z={z}&x={x}&y={y}.png"

Then added interaction from a separate geojson file.

var onEachFeature_Polygon = function (feature, layer) {
    //polygon geojson file contains center points
    var centerLat = feature.properties.y;
    var centerLon = feature.properties.x;
    var centLatLon = new L.LatLng(centerLat, centerLon); //this is used to place the popup in the "mouseover" function
    if (feature.properties && feature.properties.Name) {//fields Name, Population, RI10K
        var list = "<b>" + feature.properties.Name + "</b>" + "<br>" + "<i>" + "Population: " + feature.properties.Population + "</i>" + "<br>" + "<i>" + "Income 10,000+: " + feature.properties.RI10K + "</i>" + "<br>";//end of tooltip list
    layer.on("mouseover", function (e) {
    layer.on("mouseout", function (e) { layer.setStyle(tooltip_default_style) });         

//this is the onEachFeature function called when the statsJSON layer is added to the map 
var statsinteractive = new L.GeoJSON(statsgeo, { onEachFeature: onEachFeature_Polygon }); 

Would still like to understand or be directed to a clearly outlined method to 'call' interaction from an mbtile file.

In the meantime, I hope this is helpful for someone with a similar issue.

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