
I'm new to Rails, and I'm learning that you could save a lot of time by using the right gems. For example, simple_form is great for making forms, and high_voltage is great for making static pages. I've been reading http://learn-rails.com/ruby-on-rails-tutorial-for-beginners and there seem to be a ton of these gems.

So is there a listing of gems that are useful for making Rails apps? Particularly for beginners. (Also, just a thought, but it would be nice if Rails were structured in such a way where these thing were preinstalled, so you could just learn how to do stuff without searching for the right gems all the time.)

EDIT: I've seen blog posts and stuff, but it would be nice if there was a listing that is both 1) somewhat of a consensus, and 2) updated.

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I have found https://www.ruby-toolbox.com/ to be very useful.

They have done a good job of dividing by category, showing last activity, etc.. It is not a list of most popular to least, but thats a tough thing to do since most apps have different requirements.

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