
I am just starting off with Cucumber and BDD/ATDP(Acceptance Test Driven Planning) in a new project, I am not 100% sure of what makes up a story, are the scenarios what I will end up using as my sprint stories? I am guessing this should be the case but not 100% sure if I am right, or is it the case that the feature description as in the example below would be the story?


feature: Ability to duplicate an invoice record

In order to re-use a particular invoice details
As a user
I want to be able to duplicate an existing invoice record
도움이 되었습니까?


An user Story is a {small} functionality which can be tested and 
delivered within a timebox. Scenarios represent different ways of interacting 
with that functionality.  So, an User Story may have multiple scenarios. 
Scenarios are implemented in {re-usable} steps.

In your case, the various scenarios could be

Feature: Invoice duplication
  Scenario: Valid invoice
  Scenario: Non-existing invoice
  Scenario: Already duplicated invoice
  Scenario: Expired invoice

The scenarios above verify/test your User Story/Feature i.e. Invoice Duplication.

Scrum Guide => https://www.scrum.org/Portals/0/Documents/Scrum%20Guides/2013/Scrum-Guide.pdf#zoom=100

다른 팁

a feature is not exactly a story. BUT a feature is between an epic and a user story to be able to sortly categorize a story. wheras stories describe functionalities features describe a capsuled attribute of one system. features are shorter. it depends on how the process of reqirement engineering is done. similar to stories also a feature may be uncomplete if seen from different contexts, hence scenarios cover the told AND untold and the not yet seen, allowing us to include it in the requirements.

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