
Im trying to localize the labels for ActiveScaffold STI children. In development it works fine with just this:

      rule: "Regla"
      concrete_rule: "Regla puntual"
      weekly_rule: "Regla semanal"
      monthly_rule: "Regla mensual"

But in production it always takes the default locale set in application. I know this is an Activescaffold problem and I have solved it for another labels setting the translations inside the key active_scaffold but it's not working for STI. Any help with this ?


I found where activescaffold gets the i18n translation but I still don't know how to make it to take the correct translation in a production environment.

new_sti_link.label = child.to_s.camelize.constantize.model_name.human
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Finally I found the only way to achieve what I want is to monkey patch ActiveScaffold to accept lambdas as parameters for the labels and to evaluate them when rendering the view.

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You can try to clean cache in your browser. Or change in your production.rb this line from "true" to "false"

config.i18n.fallbacks = false
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