
No matter what I do, Dreamweaver just opens in the dock for 1 second and closes. There is no output in the console.

I followed this thread http://forums.adobe.com/thread/1325523 and several others. I installed a couple versions of Java and reinstalled Dreamweaver but nothing works so far.

What's the deal? All of the other CC applications have no problem.

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You just described what use to happen to me with a different app that needed java. I know you said you installed a different java version, but did you remove it before reinstalling it? Oh and are you running os x 10.9.2? Most of the time its good to stay update to date. Using the java version 21 or 25 fixed my problem hopefully this helps.


Here's what fixed it for me.

On my mac with yosemite there was a permissions problem that was stopping DW and other CC apps from launching

In Terminal I typed cd /Users/yourusername/Library/Application support

Then I typed ls -la Adobe/ to see the permissions of the contents of the Adobe folder

In the folder /Users/yourusername/Library/Application Suppport/Adobe some of the sub-folders had the owner as root:wheel and not yourusername:staff

I then typed chown -R yourusername:staff Adobe/

This makes yourusername:staff the owner of the sub-folders

Now all of the CC software launches.

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