
foreach (DataRow row in ds.Rows)
    Label1.Text = row["ques"].ToString();
    RadioButton1.Text = row["op1"].ToString();
    RadioButton2.Text = row["op2"].ToString();
    RadioButton3.Text = row["op3"].ToString();
    RadioButton4.Text = row["op4"].ToString();

In this code, for each time the loop runs, i want the value of label1.text gets changes to label2.text, then label3.text and soo on.

similarly with radiobutton.

Is this possible and how.

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If you haven't assembled your controls in array or list previously, the best you can do is with FindControl:

int i = 1;
foreach (DataRow row in ds.Rows)
    Label label = (Label)ParentControlId.FindControl(string.Format("Label{0}", i));
    label.Text = row["ques"].ToString();
    // same for radio buttons

Note that FindControl should be called on the direct parent of the label or radio button.

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