
My system is working fine for small database and my report is generates from at least 5 table of phpmyadmin after certain limit of data load '500 internal server error' will come.I want enhance exporting a report to csv/excel from phpmyadmin using yii for larger database.

도움이 되었습니까?


I use this extension to export to CSV. http://www.yiiframework.com/extension/csvexport/ I have created an action that I can attach to any controller that I need to export.


class Csv extends CAction {

    public $field_list;

    public function run() {
        $controller = $this->getController();

         /* Disable the logging because it should not run on this function */
        foreach (\Yii::app()->log->routes as $route)        {
            if ($route instanceof \CWebLogRoute) {
                $route->enabled = false;
        //use the existing filters
        $model_name = $controller->modelName();
        $model = new $model_name('search');
        $dataProvider = $model->search();

        $criteria = $dataProvider->criteria;

        //remove the pagination

        //changing the criteria to only select what we want
        $criteria->select = implode(',', $this->field_list);

        //export to CSV
        $csv = new \ECSVExport($dataProvider);
        if(isset($_GET['test'])) {
            echo $csv->toCSV();
        } else {
            \Yii::app()->getRequest()->sendFile($controller->modelName() . '_'.date('Y-m-d').'.csv', $csv->toCSV(), "text/csv", false);

field_list are the fields that I need to export.

For the controller I add

 * @return array actions to be mapped to this controller
public function actions(){
   return array(
          'field_list'=>array('t.id', 't.name', 't.status'),

I use the same search as in the controller because it suits me and because I use http://www.yiiframework.com/extension/remember-filters-gridview/ I actually can export exactly what is on the screen. Change the field list to what you need. Remember to give access to the csvAction function.

다른 팁

You can use yiiexcell extension for that: http://www.yiiframework.com/extension/yiiexcel/ it is simple wrapper for PHPExcel http://phpexcel.codeplex.com/releases/view/107442

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