
I have developed a custom decoder as part of my final project. My decoder accepts .steve files now I want to integrate my decoder with android framework.

I have researched a lot in this matter and one of the useful links I found is here. Android: How to integrate a decoder to multimedia framework

The problem I am facing is I don't want compile a whole android source code to integrate a my decoder. I want to create an app with .apk file which can recognize .steve files and play the video. So that anyone who wants to my test my app can directly install my apk in there phone rather than to compile the source code and then apk can be easily distributed in my grad school to test my decoder.

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You cannot integrate custom codec to whole multimedia layer by just installing apk. To do so you have to recompile your own modified firmware. Which is complicated and not applicable for production (you cannot force everybody to install your Android OS version).

But you can develop your own multimedia player which will contain custom codec support (like MXPlayer app or any other). And then in manifest of your app you can mark support of this custom format (.steve), so Android will knew this app can handle this format.

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