
Hey guys I am new to porting android os. I am trying to download android source and wanted to know which git repository should I download for kitkat. And alos I want to download the source in GIT windows as I do not want to use linux terminal and repo for downloading the source. Also, will downnloading https://android.googlesource.com/kernel/msm/+/android-msm-hammerhead-3.4-kk-r1 give me the source or will https://android.googlesource.com/platform/build/+/master give me the source? Note: I have a very limited download limit at high speeds so I only want to download the relevant source files. No prebuilt Images or and device Images. I just want to download the source for stock kitkat android and use it in ubuntu for further building.

도움이 되었습니까?


I think that you don't understand the organization of the Android source. It is a forest of git repositories, maintained, as CommonsWare says, with a tool called "repo". Theoretically, you could clone each of the, approximately, 450 git repos, separately. I suspect it would be pretty hard to do.

When you download the source, you will get all of the versions, tagged appropriately. You need only checkout at the right tag.

다른 팁

You could try github, to download zip files of the branch you require. It also seems to have android kernel files, but you need to search for what you need.

The android kernel msm (for qualcomm) source code https://github.com/android/kernel_msm

The android source code https://github.com/android/platform_frameworks_base

The website says it is a mirror of the google server. Which means it should work.

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