
I tried to automate sending email from Gmail and worked with TestNG and Page Object pattern, browser FireFox, but first a part of code =)

I'm looking at locators with help annotation (Page Object pattern), and then goes to a function which I use in my test.

@FindBy (how=How.XPATH, using = "//div[@class='T-I J-J5-Ji T-I-KE L3']")
public WebElement writeMail;

@FindBy (how=How.XPATH, using = "//textarea[@class='vO']")
public WebElement adressTo;

@FindBy (how=How.XPATH, using = "//input[@class='aoT']")
public WebElement subjectOfMail;

@FindBy (how=How.XPATH, using = "//body[@role='textbox']")
public WebElement contentMail;

@FindBy (how=How.XPATH, using = "//div[@class='T-I J-J5-Ji aoO T-I-atl L3']")
public WebElement sendMail;

public void writeMail(String adress, String subject) {
            By.xpath("//iframe[contains(@tabindex,'1') and contains(@frameborder,'0')]"))); 

allegedly has to work, but the record goes only in address and topic fields, and after that test is failed and in log:

" Unable to locate element: {"method":"xpath","selector":"//body[@role='textbox']"}"

But if I comment


webdriver switches to iframe as planned and writes text in letter body and clicks a button "Send".

Please explain to me, why this code works fine as a simple java app, but not works correctly in when I use it in my test (TestNG) in my example?

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Well, the solution of problem was found here How to type Gmail Body text in Selenium2 (Webdriver) using Java, but I wonder why did the old hpath worked so weird. Everyone thanks for your attention.

You're searching for a <body> element with @role='textbox':


but the element you're looking for actually is a <div> container:

<div id=":c9" class="Am Al editable LW-avf" hidefocus="true" aria-label="Inhalt der Nachricht" g_editable="true" role="textbox" contenteditable="true" tabindex="1" style="direction: ltr; min-height: 416px;"><br></div>

So use following XPath instead:

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