
There is a 'native-media' project in NDK samples, in which it calls OMX functions in C level to do the video decode and play stuff, but it seems that NDK doesn't support encode of OMX now, is that true?

Besides, I also find this link. It seems that people are talking about use OMX to do video encode. But I can't find more information about OMX encode in android. Does anyone know about that?

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We can do that in certain condition.

Google doesn't provide the API for native-media encoder now. If we want to do that, we need to use the code provided by the hardware company, compile the code into a .so file, and call the function through that file in NDK.

I've found a sample provided by Qualcomm. You can find it in this link. After you download the sample, you will find a user introduction and a demo.

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