
I'd like to reduce three for loops into one by generating all the iterators in one go. Basically I have a dictionary that uses tuples as its keys. I know I can do

for aa in range(limitA):
    for bb in range(limitB):
        for cc in range(limitC):

But is there a way that requires less lines of code? Something like

for aa,bb,cc in range(limitA), range(limitB), range(limitC):

This returns the error "ValueError: need more than 2 values to unpack"

If this cannot be done generally, does the special case of limitA == limitB == limitC have a solution?

도움이 되었습니까?


Use itertools.product():

from itertools import product

for aa, bb, cc in product(range(limitA), range(limitB), range(limitC)):

Where limitA == limitB == limitC this can be simplified to:

for aa, bb, cc in product(range(limitA), repeat=3):
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