
I would like to use redquerybuilder in my current GWT project and just inherit the redquerybuilder api in my project module xml file. I have used the redquerybuilder jar and added the js.client to the core jar and can now inherit and compile my project using redquerybuilder as a library. What steps do I need to take to get the querybuilder to run directly from GWT?

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It does need documenting but the basics are something like:

Configuration config = ...

Session session = new Session(config);

CommandBuilder builder = new CommandBuilder(session, sql, args);


builder.addValueChangeHandler(new ValueChangeHandler() { @Override public void onValueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { .. } })

The JS adapter shows a complete example: https://github.com/salk31/RedQueryBuilder/blob/master/redquerybuilder-js/src/main/java/com/redspr/redquerybuilder/js/client/RedQueryBuilder.java

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