
My question is simple,

I have this.

<!DOCTYPE html>
window.addEventListener('message', messageHandler, false);
function messageHandler(event)
        if(event.data) {
    document.getElementById('test').innerHTML = event.data;

<span id="test"></span>

which returns me this,when it shouldn't return me anything


Why is this? and How can i stop this?

A live example is this: Test Page

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You have cloudflare js


loaded in your page which posts the message cf-tick. You can see the file posting a message if you search for the following code in the file :


If you remove the loading of CloudFlare script, no message will be posted to the webpage. If you don't want the cf-tick to get caught in the event listener, you can check if the message is not cf-tick :

window.addEventListener('message', messageHandler, false);
function messageHandler(event){
 if(event.data) {
   document.getElementById('test').innerHTML = event.data;
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