
Say i have an xml element like this:


i want that alpha value 0.2 to be a variable. What is the "Android way" of making the value a variable? do i stick it in dimen.xml? or does it even matter?

Would a proper way to do this be that i just create a file called transparency.xml and then link it with android:alpha="@transparency/my_value" ?

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You could do it as:

    <item name="alpha_value" format="float" type="dimen">0.2</item>

This way alpha_value will be in @dimen/ folder.

For more info, see the docs.

It works for me

in dimens.xml:

  <item name="alpha_value" type="integer" format="float">0.8</item>

In a layout:


In a code:


Since android:alpha takes integer types only, we will have to define it in dimens.xml as an item with integer type and float format, as follows:

<item name="alpha_login" type="integer" format="float">0.2</item>

Now it can be used just like an integer resource.

Use it in your layout file as:


Use it in your code as:

TypedValue typedValue = new TypedValue();
resources.getValue(R.integer.alpha_login, typedValue, true);
float alphaLogin = typedValue.getFloat();
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