
I would like to add a piece of code that automatically presses Enter after the code has been added into the search form.

The url is the following one: http://www.nook.com/gb/store/books

My code so far (it doesn't work since I dont see the code in the search box..)


IE.Document.getElementByid("_skeyword ").Value = ActiveCell.Value

I am very new at coding so any help will be highly appreciated!

Thanks in advance guys!

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When we click enter it simply does get request by navigating to URL. Try below code.

Sub SearchBook()

    Dim URL As String
    URL = "http://www.nook.com/gb/store/books"

    Dim bookname As String
    bookname = "visions trips and crowded rooms"

    Dim IE As Object
    Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
    IE.navigate URL
    IE.Visible = True

    Application.Wait Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 5)
    MsgBox "Site will now search for book"

    IE.navigate "http://www.nook.com/gb/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&%5Bs%5Dkeyword=" & bookname

End Sub
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