
Suppose I have the text file contents as:

00   0.21 
11   0.12
10   2.51
01   0.25

Where the first column is binary and the second column is float value. After reading to the text file my output should be in the following 2-d array format:

input1 = [[0,0],[1,1],[1,0],[0,1]]
input2 = [[0.21],[0.12],[2.51],[0.25]]

please give any idea to obtain this output.

도움이 되었습니까?


You can use split.

for line in file:
    binColumn, floatColumn = line.split()
    input1.append(list(map(int, binColumn)))

다른 팁

Here an example using the proposed csv-module.

import csv

with open ('egal', 'r') as f:
    #Filtering away empty items
    #If there is a neater way, please advice
    lines = [[x for x in x if x] for x in csv.reader(f, delimiter = ' ')]

input1, input2 = zip(*lines)
input1 = [[int(x) for x in x] for x in input1]
input2 = [[float(x)] for x in input2]

Example output:

[['00', '0.21'], ['11', '0.12'], ['10', '2.51'], ['01', '0.25']]
[[0, 0], [1, 1], [1, 0], [0, 1]]
[[0.21], [0.12], [2.51], [0.25]]

You said that you are reading in a text file. It would appear that you are reading in a text line such as

inline = '00 0.21'

You would use split to get

inlst = inline.split(' ')

which produces

['00', '0.21']


input1 = []
input2 = []

You now use

input1.append((inlst[0][0], inlst[0][1]))

This now adds the appropriate entries to your lists. Now just put this in the loop over your line reading logic.

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