
I have this in xml.

                android:inputType="numberDecimal" />

So, the default value for edittext is 0.

in code, I have this

creditlimit = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.creditlimitfield2);
double credit_limit = Double.valueOf(creditlimit.getText().toString());

Alternately, I have tried:

double credit_limit = Double.parseDouble(creditlimit.getText().toString());


double credit_limit = new Double(creditlimit.getText().toString());

When I run the program, It gives the error of

Numberformatexception. Invalid double "".

Please be reminded that the field is not empty. Any suggestions would be helpful.

I have seen many questions,almost similar to it, with very less answers and none of them help solving my condition. So, Please do not tag it as "Similar Question" without checking other questions too.

도움이 되었습니까?


getText() does not return the value inside android:hint. So you are trying to convert an empty string as double. use android:text property instead.

    android:inputType="numberDecimal" />

다른 팁

Looks like creditlimit.getText().toString() does not a return a valid double value. Make sure you enter a valid double in the EditText.

Numberformatexception. Invalid double ""

Empty string is not a valid double.

Also i guess you have this just after initialization make sure you get the text from edittext on button click or in onResume

double credit_limit = Double.valueOf(creditlimit.getText().toString())

If you want the default value follow blackbelt's post.

try this
Sting limit=creditlimit.getText().toString(); double credit_limit =0; if(limit!=null && !limit.isEmpty()){ credit_limit = Double.parseDouble(limit); }

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