
In an e-commerce website: utsavfashion.in,

There is a custom jquery as displayed following image : Custom Jquery Extension

Here, The price changes on every option defined,

And this price must be reflected on Cart as well as checkout page also,

I want to create same functionality as above, I don't want to use Configurable Products,

I am using Magento

How can I achieve this ?


도움이 되었습니까?

해결책 2

I tried to use Custom Options, it worked for me


You can always use "Custom Options Replicator" to Copy Custom Options.

Thanks & Regards.

다른 팁

i'm not familiar with magneto but it should still work ok.. just change your selectors, Please see very basic example of how to total values based on selected checkboxes.. works same way for radio buttons.


function updateCosts() {
  var total = 0;

  $.each($('#content input[type=checkbox]:checked'), function(ind, val){
      total += parseInt($.trim($(this).next('.price').html()));

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