
In my ASP.net mvc app I am using a Service Layer and Repositories to keep my controllers thin. A typical details read only view looks like this:

public ActionResult Details(int id)
    var project = _projectService.GetById(id);

    return View(Mapper.Map<Project, ProjectDetails>(project));

Service Layer:

public class ProjectService : IProjectService
    public Project GetById(int id)
        var project = _projectRepository.GetProject(id);

        // do some stuff

        return project;

public class ProjectRepository : IProjectRepository
    public Project GetProject(int id)
        return context.Projects.Find(id);

Moving from the service layer to the view model is pretty easy because of automapper, which can flatten things pretty easily. Moving the other direct, from the view model to pass into my service layer is where I struggle to come up with a good solution.

In a situation like a Create action, what is a good approach for this?

public ActionResult Create(CreateProjectViewModel model)
        return View(model);

    // TODO

    return RedirectToAction("Index");

I'm pretty sure that the service layer should not know anything about view models, but I also don't think that AutoMapper works well in this scenario either, since it's not good at taking a flat model and making it into a complex object.

What should my controller look like to communicate with the service layer? I want to keep the code in the controller as light as possible.

도움이 되었습니까?


You could define a bidirectional mapping and then go the other way around:

public ActionResult Create(CreateProjectViewModel model)
        return View(model);

    Project project = Mapper.Map<CreateProjectViewModel, Project>(model);
    // pass the project entity to your service layer

    return RedirectToAction("Index");

or if you are updating an entity you might first want to fetch the existing entity that you want to update from the service:

public ActionResult Update(CreateProjectViewModel model)
        return View(model);

    Project project = _projectService.GetById(model.Id);
    Mapper.Map<CreateProjectViewModel, Project>(model, project);

    // pass the project entity to your service layer

    return RedirectToAction("Index");

다른 팁

The only way I have seen this done so far is to manually create a bunch of model transformation classes, for example:

public interface ITransformer<out To, in From>
    where To : class
    To Transform(From instance);

public class SomeDataToSomeViewModelTransformer : ITransformer<SomeViewModel, SomeDataModel>
    public SomeViewModel Transform(SomeDataModel instance)
        return new SomeViewModel
                InvitationId = instance.Id,
                Email = instance.EmailAddress,
                GroupId = instance.Group.Id

And another Transformer implementation to go back the other way (ViewModel -> DataModel). And having the Controller know to call the correct transformer.

I +1 your question because I would love to see a nice clean way to do this too, without having to manually write a bunch of code to map models.

If your service layer is solely dedicated to support your MVC application and no other clients you could consider using the objects passed through and from your service layer as part of your viewmodels. This would obviate the need to automap the inbound calls as you'd be sending in the actual objects required from the controller.

You could also consider not having the services return domain objects, this would mean that the automapping should be invoked with the service methods rather than the controller actions.

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