
In many of my Models' CgridViews I have a bulk delete function: a chechboxColumn and a delete button which deletes all the checked users. For that I am using ajax in the admin and a new action in the controller.

All this works fine until I add pagination to th gridview, which is not saving the checked rows in the previous pages.

I tried to use 'enableHistory'=true, but it did nothing (and from what I'v read I'm not the only one :mellow: ) , so I downloaded this extension: selgridview

The extension works - when I move through the pages , the checked rows stay checked BUT , my bulk delete function is seeing only the checked rows of the page I'm in right now.

this is the ajax I'm using:

                    var checked=$("#person-grid").yiiGridView("getChecked","person-grid_c11");
                    var count=checked.length;
                    if(count>0 && confirm(" are you sure you want to delete "+count+" people ? "))

Now , maybe thats a silly question but I know little about javascript. I'm not even sure that the problem is in the ajax . . . .

Help would be much appreciated :rolleyes:

도움이 되었습니까?


I am using selgridview extension.

Here is my code for deleting the selected users

//delete multiple users at once
$('#delete_selected_items_button').on('click', function () {
    var selected = $("#users-grid").selGridView("getAllSelection");

    //if nothing's selected
    if ( ! selected.length)
        alert('Please select minimum one user to be deleted');
        return false;

    if ( ! confirm('Are you sure to delete ' + selected.length + ' users?')) return false;

    var multipledeleteUrl = "<?php echo Yii::app()->baseUrl;?>/users/multipledelete";

        type: "POST",
        url: multipledeleteUrl,
        data: {selectedUsers : selected},
        success: (function (e){

            //just to make sure we delete the last selected items

            //we refresh the CCGridView after success deletion

        error: (function (e) {
            alert("Can not delete selected users");

On UsersController, actionMultipleDelete() do something like this

if (Yii::app()->request->isAjaxRequest)
            $selectedUsers = Yii::app()->request->getPost('selectedUsers');

            //iterate through all ids
            foreach ($selectedUsers as $id)
                //delete the user here...

다른 팁

  1. I don't know about this plugin and how it saves what checkboxes are checked, but you can look into that and then send that information to your controller.
  2. Alternatively you can save which models should be deleted in a session. On a checkbox click() (check if the check box is checked or unchecked) event call your controller with ajax to save the model's id in your session. then when the user clicks delete you can retrieve this data from the session.
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