
I have installed Intel Parallel Studio XE 2013 in addition to Visual Studio 2012 on a 32bit Windows 7 machine. I have tried to build Boost 1.53 with Intel compiler by following the instructions in the link. I have this error:

.\boost/config/select_stdlib_config.hpp(18): catastrophic error: cannot open source file "cstddef"

Is there anyone else who had the same problem? I would welcome any advice to link standard libraries of ICC to boost build process. Thanks in advance.

도움이 되었습니까?


After an intensive search, finally I have found the solution. As explained in this link, there are two patches to apply to boost folder:

  1. intel-win.jam file in [boost-source-directory]\tools\build\v2\tools needs to be replaced by the file given in the link.

  2. project-config.jam needs to be replaced by intel-user-config.jam given in the link and build command should be changed to:

b2 --user-config=intel-user-config.jam --toolset=intel

Note that intel compiler version number may need to be modified according to your existing ICC installation in the file intel-user-config.jam.

다른 팁

Run "./bootstrap.sh --with-toolset=intel-linux" and "b2 install" will use intel-linux.compile.c++ (boost_1_64_0).

The accepted answer to the topic in this link solved a similar problem for me, which pertained to Intel Compiler 17.0 Update 5 and Visual Studio 17.

You need to change a couple of lines in tools/build/src/tools/intel-win.jam

Note, the build proceeds with a number of warnings.

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