
I want to match and group any of these listed words:

aboutus/,race/,cruise/,westerlies/,weather/,reach/,gear/ or empty_string

Here is a solution, but which will not match the empty_string:


So my question is: How to include Empty string in this matching?

I still don't get a good solution for this.

So I added one more regex specially for empty_string:ie ^$.

Note: these regular expression is for django urls.py.

update: It will be better if the capturing group does not contain /

도움이 되었습니까?

해결책 2

Use this


다른 팁

try this:


edit: if '/' is in every case except the empty string try this


You can make the capturing group optional:

import re

rgx = re.compile('^((aboutus|race|cruise|westerlies'

# or

li = ['aboutus','race','cruise','westerlies',
rgx = re.compile('^((%s)/|)$' % '|'.join(li))

for s  in ('aboutus/',
           'westerlies/ ',
    m = rgx.search(s)
    print '%-21r%r' % (s,rgx.search(s).group() if m else m)  


'aboutus/'           'aboutus/'
'westerlies/'        'westerlies/'
'westerlies/ '       None
''                   ''
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