
I'm in a training in a company, they have given me a project of choosing a search engine that will help all the employees find their documents or any information they need.

This search engine should index and allow search in:

  • The company's Intranet(wiki...)
  • The Internet
  • SVN Repository
  • and most importantly the disk shared on the network

After a long search, I found that Alfresco has a functionnality of a search engine but not only it also offers documents management, records management and so on. I found that alfresco uses Solr for the search.

My question is : Is Alfresco the right tool for search ?

도움이 되었습니까?


I think you question is too specific. We could just answer: Yes or No.

When abstracting the question to

You will find much more.

  • Solr + Nutch is an option
  • probably you will also require Apache ManifoldCF
  • if you want those wrapped up, you maybe better of with OpenESP
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