
I have a factory to execute a get request, I'd like to test. Unfortunately the karma test tells me that there is not response defined at $httpBackend.

AngularJs 1.2.14, Jasmine 2.0, Karma 0.12.0

Here's my module I'd like to test:

var appFactory = angular.module('appFactory', []);

appFactory.factory('boxListService', function($http){
        getList: function(){
            return $http.get('/boxlist').then(function(result){
                return result.data;

My test is this:

describe('Module-Test', function() {


     it('should call $http.get in getList', inject(function (boxListService, $httpBackend){


Error: No response defined !
at $httpBackend (D:/nodeJS/host/test_app/src/public/js/libs/angular/angular-mock.js:1206:13)
도움이 되었습니까?


You have to define the expected response, as well as the expected request. It will have the form:

$httpBackend.expectGET('/boxlist').respond(HTTP_STATUS_CODE, EXPECTED_RESPONSE);

HTTP_STATUS_CODE is an integer. EXPECTED_RESPONSE is the value to be returned (it's often an Object Literal).

You may define only one of them.

Look at ngMock httpBackend documentation for more information.

다른 팁

Just in case it helps and because it happened to me, although it is not the exact case of the question. I had these two lines:


With when I wanted to define what to response when calling the service and with expect I wanted to check that the method was called.

This doesn't work (although sometimes it does, I don't know why). I guess somehow expect is overriding when and therefore I got

Error: No response defined !

The solution was to remove the when clause and add respond() to expect


I don't know why the framework behaves that way. If someone knows it would be nice that you explain it here to improve the answer

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