
Hello I had this problem which for some reason only occurs when I upload it to my website server the problem is I need a group of images to be the same size as another group of divs and I need this function to load on ready and resize but the function will only work when I resize the document/window rather than ready/load, when I need it to do both.


$(window).on('resize ready', function(){

        var heightval = $('#main-contentp1').height();
        var heightvalb = $('#moodboard-box-ca').height();
        var heightvalc = $('#view-blog-seca').height();


도움이 되었습니까?


Well you are adding the ready event listener inside $(document).ready() which runs only after the document is ready. so the ready won't be fired.

try this:

$(window).on('resize', myFunction);

function myFunction(){
 var heightval = $('#main-contentp1').height();
    var heightvalb = $('#moodboard-box-ca').height();
    var heightvalc = $('#view-blog-seca').height();

다른 팁

document.onready = whatToDoOnResizeOrLoad;
window.onresize = whatToDoOnResizeOrLoad;

function whatToDoOnResizeOrLoad(){

        var heightval = $('#main-contentp1').height();
        var heightvalb = $('#moodboard-box-ca').height();
        var heightvalc = $('#view-blog-seca').height();

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