Windows Phone 8 App does erroneously think it is English with Submission, but it is just German



My WP8-App ist definitely only in GERMAN.

In the Application Settings the "Supported Cultures" show: The one and only language ist GERMAN. No other language is checked. When I submit the app to MS it claims that the App supports German AND English, hence I am forced to add the english descriptions as well as the whole UI in english, otherwise the submission is being rejected.

(I think, that this is the case since I used Controls from the WP8-Toolkit...?)

Why do the Application Settings not really apply when MS reads my XAP-File??? Thanks for tips...

도움이 되었습니까?


In the WMAppManifest.xml file go to the packaging section and check if the default language is not still set to English.

다른 팁

You were right, MakanWG!
There was actually a difference:
- The Project-Properties, Application-Tab, "Supported Cultures" (where I was always looking) showed "English" unchecked.
- The Packaging-Section of the WMAppManifest however, had the English-Box checked. (WTF... !!!)

I consider this to be a (almost) bug from Microsoft - why are there two differing settings for supported languages...?


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