
i searched about my problem and did not find it .

i have this cod for slide show and need to add pause wen mouse hover the images . i tryed hours to do it but cant . this is the code :

    $().ready(function() {  
    'showbuttons': 'Y',
    'minibuttonopacity': .45, 
    'centerbuttons': 'Y', 
    'alignrightnextbutton' : 'Y',
    'btnoffset':5 ,




a want to play with this part of the code :


can anyone help me to improve the code to get the pause on mouse over the div "ctgslider" ?


도움이 되었습니까?


The slider doesn't seem to expose any kind of events you can hook into, which makes life a little difficult.

A quick fix would be to add this code to the bottom of your HTML file:

sliderPaused = false;
  sliderPaused = true;
}, function(){
  sliderPaused = false;

Then make sure you are using the non-minified version of the script and alter the NextPicture function like so:

function NextPicture(e){
  if(sliderPaused && !e) return;

Passing the function a reference to the event object, means that you can differentiate between hovering on the slider and clicking the next slide button.

Here's a demo

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