
I do not see a clear distinction between using @login_required decorator and is_authenticated(): somehow, I think they perform similar checks (though not exactly).

Let say I have a function in my views.py:

def dosomethingNow(request):
     if request.user.is_authenticated():
         //carry out the function
          //redirect to login page

Same function with login_required decorator:

def dosomethingNow(request):
     //carry out the function

Both the function does similar checks except that is_authenticated(), gives the option of redirecting to homepage if not logged in.

Any other benefits of using one over the other and places where they can't be used interchangeably?


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In the way you're using them in your example code, they're essentially equivalent.

Using user.is_aunthenticated is more flexible (as you note, you can decide what to do if they're not--output a different template, redirect to a login form, redirect somewhere else, etc.)

However, @login_required is "declarative", which can be nice. You could write a script that listed all of your view functions and whether or not they had the @login_required decorator around them, for instance, so you had a nice report of "login-required" sections of your site. When the checking happens in your own code buried inside the function, you lose that kind of possibility.

So it's a really a question of development style: do you need the flexibility to handle this as a special case? Or does make sense to use a declarative style?

(And, if you wanted a different implementation but a declarative style--say,if you frequently wanted to redirect non-logged-in-users to the homepage, you could write your own decorator, @homepage_if_not_auth, and use that)

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