
I've written the following Javascript:

(function () {
    var computationModule = (function foo1(stdlib, foreign, heap) {
        "use asm";
        var sqrt = stdlib.Math.sqrt,
            heapArray = new stdlib.Int32Array(heap),
            outR = 0.0,
            outI = 0.0;

        function computeRow(canvasWidth, canvasHeight, limit, max, rowNumber, minR, maxR, minI, maxI) {
            canvasWidth = +canvasWidth;
            canvasHeight = +canvasHeight;
            limit = +limit;
            max = max | 0;
            rowNumber = +rowNumber;
            minR = +minR;
            maxR = +maxR;
            minI = +minI;
            maxI = +maxI;

            var columnNumber = 0.0,
                zReal = 0.0,
                zImaginary = 0.0,
                numberToEscape = 0;
            var columnNumberInt = 0;

            // Compute the imaginary part of the numbers that correspond to pixels in this row.
            zImaginary = +(((maxI - minI) * +rowNumber) / +canvasHeight + minI);
            // Iterate over the pixels in this row.
            // Compute the number of iterations to escape for each pixel that will determine its color.
            for (columnNumber = +0; + columnNumber < +canvasWidth; columnNumber = +(+columnNumber + 1.0)) {
                // Compute the real part of the number for this pixel.
                zReal = +(((maxR - minR) * +columnNumber) / +canvasWidth + minR);
                numberToEscape = howManyToEscape(zReal, zImaginary, max, limit) | 0;
                columnNumberInt = columnNumberInt + 1 | 0;
                heapArray[(columnNumberInt * 4) >> 2] = numberToEscape | 0;

        // Function to determine how many iterations for a point to escape.
        function howManyToEscape(r, i, max, limit) {
            r = +r;
            i = +i;
            max = max | 0;
            limit = +limit;

            var j = 0,
                ar = 0.0,
                ai = 0.0;
            ar = +r;
            ai = +i;
            for (j = 0;
                (j | 0) < (max | 0); j = (j + 1) | 0) {
                iteratingFunction(ar, ai, r, i)
                ar = outR;
                ai = outI;
                if (+(ar * ar + ai * ai) >= +(limit * limit))
                    return j | 0;
            return j | 0;

        // The iterating function defining the fractal to draw
        // r and i are the real and imaginary parts of the value from the previous iteration
        // r0 and i0 are the starting points
        function iteratingFunction(r, i, r0, i0) {
            r = +r;
            i = +i;
            r0 = +r0;
            i0 = +i0;
            computePower(r, i, 2);
            // Set the output from this function to t
            outR = +(r0 + outR);
            outI = +(i0 + outI);

        // Compute the result of [r,i] raised to the power n.
        // Place the resulting real part in outR and the imaginary part in outI.
        function computePower(r, i, n) {
            // Tell asm.js that r, i are floating point and n is an integer.
            r = +r;
            i = +i;
            n = n | 0;

            // Declare and initialize variables to be numbers.
            var rResult = 0.0;
            var iResult = 0.0;
            var j = 0;
            var tr = 0.0;
            var ti = 0.0;

            // Declare and initialize variables that will be used only in the
            // event we need to compute the reciprocal.
            var abs = 0.0;
            var recr = 0.0;
            var reci = 0.0;

            if ((n | 0) < (0 | 0)) {
                // For n less than 0, compute the reciprocal and then raise it to the opposite power.
                abs = +sqrt(r * r + i * i);
                recr = r / abs;
                reci = -i / abs;
                r = recr;
                i = reci;
                n = -n | 0;

            rResult = r;
            iResult = i;

            for (j = 1;
                (j | 0) < (n | 0); j = (j + 1) | 0) {
                tr = rResult * r - iResult * i;
                ti = rResult * i + iResult * r;
                rResult = tr;
                iResult = ti;

            outR = rResult;
            outI = iResult;
        } // end computePower

        return {
            computeRow: computeRow
    })(self, foreign, heap);

    // Return computationModule that we just defined.
    return computationModule;

There's nothing particularly unusual about this Javascript, except that I want to make my web application display the Javascript in an ACE text editor (http://ace.c9.io/) so that the user can modify the code at runtime.

I load the Javascript using jQuery AJAX and then set the contents of the ACE Editor to the Javascript code. After the user modifies the code, he can click a button to run the code. (This uses eval)

The problem I'm having is that ACE is displaying strange characters instead of spaces.ACE not working

Oddly enough, if I try to copy text from the ACE editor, the strange characters disappear and the spaces are normal. Furthermore, the code runs fine even with these strange characters being displayed.

I also noticed that the problem does not appear when using Firefox, but it appears for Chrome and IE 11.

Finally, the problem only occurs when I put the code on a real web server. It doesn't reproduce in my development environment.

Looking at this some more, I can see that it's not just the text I'm loading via AJAX. Even when I type new spaces, more text characters appear!

What could be going wrong so that the text doesn't display properly?

Here's a link to the application: http://danielsadventure.info/html5fractal/

도움이 되었습니까?


Use charset="utf-8" in the script tag where you include ace.

<script src="path/to/ace.js" charset="utf-8">

This may have something to do with this:

When no explicit charset parameter is provided by the sender, media subtypes of the "text" type are defined to have a default charset value of "ISO-8859-1" when received via HTTP. Data in character sets other than "ISO-8859-1" or its subsets MUST be labeled with an appropriate charset value. See section 3.4.1 for compatibility problems.


So the string passed to the script are in an encoding different than what ACE (or JS in general) expects, which is UTF-8.

라이센스 : CC-BY-SA ~와 함께 속성
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