
I want to find infer rules and rules information.

But, W3C offered examples: http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-owl-guide-20040210/#owl_sameAs

(infer rule Exam)

owl:sameAs(?a, ?b) ^ owl:sameAs(?b, ?c) ^ notEqual(?a, ?b) ^ notEqual(?b, ?c) -> owl:sameAs(?a, ?c)
도움이 되었습니까?


If you want to perform inference, you need to use something capable of performing reasoning. You can use a dedicated reasoner, such as Pellet, Hermit, or Fact++, or an rdf database which supports reasoning such as Stardog or OWLIM.

You might also want to checkout the current version of OWL as the document you are referencing is quite old.

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