
Has anyone had an Add-on approved for publishing?

The submission is basically a Google Form post, but there is no indication of how long the process will take and no way to gauge a submissions progress.

From what I can see the number of available add-ons in the Sheet and Doc add-on stores seems to not be growing, which suggests there is a generic problem or bottleneck. Can anyone speculate?

도움이 되었습니까?

해결책 2

Just received notice and analysis of our add-on from Google. They have suggested a few changes but after these it ought to be good for publishing. So for anyone looking to publish an Add-on it appears it can be 2 months before you will receive any indication it is under review, but then publication could happen relatively swiftly.

다른 팁

No need to speculate : as it is mentioned on the Add-on anouncement page : "Add-ons are currently in developer preview. Although the features necessary to build add-ons are available to everyone, only approved developers can publish to the store. Please apply when your add-on is ready to launch."

Meaning only approved developers have access for now... The apps that are available now were developed in the pre-release period by TC and selected users.

Maybe someone from inside the Google developper team will anounce an ETA, personally I don't know...

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