
I'm using chosen-select plugin to get more of a <select> it works fine inside the main page, but when I use it inside a modal window that's provided by UIKit, it does not work. Here is the code:

Initialize the plugin:

var config = {
        '.chosen-select': {},
        '.chosen-select-no-results': { no_results_text: 'nothing found!' }
    for (var selector in config) {

And every <select> that has .chosen-select class is affected by the plugin.

Here is the complete code: http://jsfiddle.net/maysamsh/xFv4W/8/

도움이 되었습니까?


Removing .chosen-select class and applying .chosen() after loading modal fixed it. Here is the code http://jsfiddle.net/maysamsh/xFv4W/13/

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