
I am trying to setup AWS RDS and it seems that I am still missing something. I am getting an error message from the mysql command (step 2) which I found on this SO, Trying to migrate local mysql server to AWS

mysql -h [endpoint] -u [user] -p [dbname] < dumpfilename.sql

ERROR 2003 (HY000): Can't connect to MySQL server on 'myfishdb.blahblah.us-west-2.rds.amazonaws.com' (60)

Here is my RDS inbound:

MYSQL    TCP    3306    sg-2928d04c (awseb-e-blahblah-stack-AWSEBSecurityGroup-FTX0Z7AKRHZ2)
SSH    TCP    22    72.xxx.xx.226/32

I am running maverick os local and the AWS is a free tier account.

도움이 되었습니까?


Your RDS Security group allows access on port 3306 only from sg-2928d04c1. So ensure that the instance on which you are running the mysql command has this security group applied.

Also, As you have mentioned that Here is my RDS inbound:, I would presume this is the RDS security group that you are referring to. So if this is the case, I would again presume that you running RDS in EC2-classic and NOT inside a VPC. If this is not the case, then provide more information on your RDs deployment.

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