
I am trying to create a video/audio IM chat on a website and struggling to find technology that can achieve this, but I know its out there somewhere. I have looked into Lync server but you must have to client on each computer for audio/video to work which is a big no no. I know it can be done because websites like chatroulette have done it, I just don't know how they do it.

Could anybody point me in the direction of a web API or technology that can achieve this? Thanks so much!

도움이 되었습니까?


After a lot of looking for anyone with a similar question, below are the best solutions:

  • If you do not need IE compatibility then use WebRTC
  • If you do need IE compatibility then use TokBox, but it does cost
  • If you cannot afford to pay for TokBox, Flash or Silverlight using a server to setup peer to peer transmission is the best solution

I hope this helps!

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