
I currently have a long pathname storedin var imgSrc

The var is a full web address, e.g http://mywebsite.co.uk/fyp/login-register/images/avatars/16.png

I want to grab only the section up until the last slash, so only store 16.png, and then remove the last .png

I tried using a trim() function but am not sure how to use the \ as the delimiter for the trim.

Once I have done this I then need to take the last 3 chars of, so return only the number.

E.g I need to go from


All the way down to:


I think I have that last part covered by slice:

var srcID = imgSrc.slice(0,3);

web address length is not always the same, so it needs to rely on using \ instead of using specific hardcoded numbers

도움이 되었습니까?


How about splitting by /, getting the last part and keeping just the numbers.

var srcID = imgSrc.split('/').pop().replace(/\D/g,'');


다른 팁

You could 'split' the data:

var url = 'http://mywebsite.co.uk/fyp/login-register/images/avatars/16.png';
var arr = url.split('/');
var last = arr.length - 1;
var pic = arr[last].split('.');
//--- image name in now in pic[0


With a regex:

var str ="http://www.myurl.com/images/something/16.png";
var found = str.match(/\d+/);

jsFiddle example

The lazy person's string manipulation:

Use the "split" method to break a string up into an array, hinging at whatever character:

var urlPieces = imgSrc.split( "/" ),
    lastUrlPiece = urlPieces[ urlPieces.length - 1 ],
    filenamePieces = lastUrlPiece.split( "." ),
    filenameSansExtension = filenamePieces[ 0 ];


To get only the last "16.png", you can try with

var last = imgSrc.substr(imgSrc.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
var srcID = imgSrc.substr(imgSrc.lastIndexOf('/')).match(/[\w\d]+/)[0];

srcID will equal 16.

You'll want to avoid the slice() method because it'll only work if the image's filename is two characters long.

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