
I know php and my friend knows c#.

We have to develop a windows 8 metro app that have the capability of instant messaging.

What else do we need to know? WCF is out of the list because of its limitations towards metro app. So I need to know options other than wcf that should be approached to?

Do MQTT, XMPP or WEBSOCKETS have to do something with our project?

도움이 되었습니까?


XMPP sounds like the best option since it's a communications and chat protocol. The others could possibly also be used, but then you'd have to reinvent most of what is already in XMPP.

There are multiple servers already available, all of which cover at least basic chat.

On the Windows Store client side it's a bit harder, but the MatrixXMPP SDK should work well. I've not used in personally though, so you'll have to do your own research that it covers all that you need.

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