
I'm using gmaps4rails to display a single marker, but I can't get it to not show a flash of lat/lon 0,0 water before panning over to the marker.

My (coffeescript) code is very simple:

handler = Gmaps.build('Google')
handler.buildMap { provider: {}, internal: { id: 'my-map-id' } }, ->
  marker = handler.addMarker
    lat: 41.0
    lng: -96.0

The map displays blue water then quickly jumps over to the desired location. I've tried using the bounds-oriented methods instead of the marker.panTo(), with the same results:


It seems like I need to either prevent display of the map until the marker and location is set, or I need to add the markers in earlier. Neither of which I've figured out how to do.

도움이 되었습니까?


Thanks to the quick tip from @apneadiving, this took care of it:

lat = 41.0
lng = -96.0

options =
  center: new google.maps.LatLng(lat, lng)
  zoom: 14

handler = Gmaps.build('Google')
handler.buildMap { provider: options, internal: { id: 'contact-map' } }, ->
  marker = handler.addMarker
    lat: lat
    lng: lng
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