My Developer Quit, How to Edit and continue development on an ipa file (Half Built iOS App)


  •  25-06-2023
  •  | 


The Developer I was working with quit halfway through the project and all I have is an .ipa file. The File installs correctly in all the test devices. I need some final changes to the app before I can publish it to the app store.

My question is Is the Ipa file connected only to that developer / his xCode ? He was using my Apple Developer account.

Can any other developer I hire start with the Ipa file and edit the app? The changes I need are adding a Msg box(Confirmation) and correcting some typos.

Alternatively to continue development on the app from this point forward what do I need to get from the company, I'd rather not go back to starting from scratch again.

도움이 되었습니까?


You cannot do anything with an IPA file, it is the compiled version of your project. You need the source code to continue any development.

Maybe you can find a way to deassemble an IPA file, but it is an extreme case and I don't know how to do it.

다른 팁

Get the source code from your developer. Only with that, you can continue further development.

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