
I've created an jQuery Mobile flipswitch like this

<select id="flip" data-role="flipswitch">
    <option value="animal">Lion</option>
    <option value="flower">Rose</option>

and I listen to changes on this flipswitch

$( document ).on( 'change', '#flip', function( e ) {
   console.log( 'changed' );

But I don't want the event to be triggered if I change the value of the flipswitch by

$( '#flip' ).val( 'flower' ).flipswitch( 'refresh' );

How do I check if a flipswitch has changed by interacting with it directly or setting a value and refreshing the flipswitch?

I've created an example of the unwanted behavior under this JSFiddle.

도움이 되었습니까?


You need to use .on() to attach change event and .off() to remove it - before you bind it again - whenever you change the value dynamically.

Wrap all your code in pagecreate event, it is equvilant to .ready().

$(document).on("pagecreate", "#main", function () {

    /* change event handler */
    function flipChanged(e) {
        var id = this.id,
            value = this.value;
        console.log(id + " has been changed! " + value);

    /* add listener - this will be removed once other buttons are clicked */
    $("#flip").on("change", flipChanged);

    $('#setlion').on('vclick', function (e) {
            .off("change") /* remove previous listener */
            .val('animal') /* update value */
            .flipswitch('refresh') /* re-enhance switch */
            .on("change", flipChanged); /* add listener again */

    $('#setrose').on('vclick', function (e) {
            .on("change", flipChanged);


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