
In a perl script, I try to convert svg files to pdf. This works great by just refering to Inkscape:

system "inkscape -D -z --file=$in --export-pdf=$out";

But it is enormously slow even for little 100 KB files, I mean it can be minutes per file, causing the script to fail when running with a time-out constrain, eg. on a webserver.

To speed up, I have read about svg2pdf as a standalone, but never found a binary for Win7 or managed to compile it, even with the libcairo dlls present.

My last idea now is to use the CPAN module Cairo. It makes me hoping that it can convert an svg file to pdf, but in the documentation I only find drawings and surfaces, but no method to write/convert. Has anyone experience with that?

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Making my comment an answer: You could try rsvg-convert which is part of the librsvg library. It's probably faster than Inkscape but it's still an external command.

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