
Hi I have a static website hosted on AWS S3 and I would like to be able to send emails from the "Contact Us form on the page". Is it possible to have a Sinatra server running on a different domain, lets say Heroku that would handle the POST and send an email.

I have the email portion from Sinatra working but every time I POST on my local I get

WARN -- : attack prevented by Rack::Protection::HttpOrigin

My form is this <form action="http://localhost:4567/contact" method="post">.

If I understand correctly this should work because I am not using JavaScript, but I am not sure.

Also, is it possible to have my static site auto redirect me to the index page or do I need to do that from Sinatra?

Thank you for your help.

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Yes, you can, by specifying an origin whitelist in Sinatra's options:

configure do
  set :protection, :origin_whitelist => ['http://example.com']

Replace http://example.com with the URL where you're sending the POST request from.

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