
I go to /content/translations on admin panel to add new translation. I choose Translation field then click OK. But the page just remain loading and loading over time. I try to wait an hour but still not add successful. I also try to add other translation. And the result is the same. Can anybody help me?

Many thanks,

도움이 되었습니까?


This is because the function of creating translation is deadlock in database. Need to go through database to stop this deadlock.

다른 팁

Definitely not a normal behavior.

I think that you have a setup issue or something. You should have a look at the logs in the var/logs/*.log files. Also please provide more information like the version of eZ Publish running, PHP version, operating system, etc.

And, waiting 1 second, maybe 2, is enough, don't waste your time waiting hours, eZ Publish is a fast CMS.

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