
I have a table Companies with field city_id. I need in sorting companies by cities. I do next:

# companies_controller.rb
def sort_by_city
  @cities = City.joins(:company).uniq
  @companies = Company.where("city_id = ?", params[:city_id])
  render 'index'

# routes.rb:
get '/companies/city/:city_id', to: 'companies#sort_by_city'

and in index.html.erb I try make links for this filter:

<% @cities.each do |city| %>
  <li><%= link_to city.name, UNKNOWN_path(city.id) %> (<%= city.companies_count %>) 
<% end %>

I want links like this: "www.site.com/companies/city/23" What I must write instead of UNKNOWN_path? Or I do something wrong before (in controller or in routes.rb)?

도움이 되었습니까?


You can give a name to your route with the as option :

For example :

get '/companies/city/:city_id', to: 'companies#sort_by_city', as: 'companies_city_sort'

And then use


Also, have a look at resourceful routing, it may be more adapted.

다른 팁

If you type rake routes in your terminal you can find the name of the current path.

Just look for the line where companies#sort_by_city is listed.

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